Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's approval rating has fallen to a very low level, ahead of setting the record for the longest consecutive tenure.

In a telephone poll conducted by Kyodo News Agency against Japanese voters on the 22nd and 23rd, the Abe cabinet's approval rating recorded 36.0%, which was 2.8 percentage points lower than the survey on the 17th to 19th of last month.

The Kyodo News Agency reported that the approval rating confirmed in this survey was the second lowest level since Prime Minister Abe resumed power in December 2012.

49.1% of respondents said they did not support the Abe cabinet.

In addition, 58.4% of respondents said they did not positively evaluate the Japanese government's COVID-19 measures.

The evaluation of Prime Minister Abe's long term in office for 7 years and 8 months in a row after recapture of the regime was mixed, but 49.6% said there were many positives and 43.9% said there were many negatives.

Prime Minister Abe, who reinstated power on December 26, 2012, will surpass the record of former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato tomorrow (24th).

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)