Most passwords used on the Internet or on mobile are extremely vulnerable. A specialized manager makes it possible to limit this security breach. - CC0

In 2019, the company specializing in computer security SplashData unveiled the list of the most used passwords in the world. At the top of the list, we find the eternal "123456", but also the unmistakable "password". “Qwerty”, “iloveyou” or the more exotic “whatever”, “michael” and “donald” also feature prominently. These lists, which flourish every year, bear witness to the fragility of the protections used by Internet users. About 30% of passwords are condemned to be discovered, estimates SecurityInfo, another specialist in the issue.

While the vast majority of sites and mobile applications today require the creation of an account, the Internet user is swamped with identifiers. Two possibilities are then available to him: always use the same sesame or force himself to keep them for each site or service. Of course, modern browsers have built-in functionality for generating and keeping passwords. But their reliability is regularly put to the test. One solution is then to rely on a specialized manager.

Like a bunch of keys

This service should be seen as a bunch of keys that keeps all the connection information used to access sites, or mobile applications when installed on a smartphone. It is therefore important to choose a service that is available on all the platforms on which we operate: Windows, Mac OS, iOS or Android. The password manager protects the identity of its user, as well as its most sensitive data, and it is able to generate more robust single-use identifiers. Some software also manages payment data, such as credit card or fingerprints. There is therefore no longer any need to remember this information for the dozens of sites and applications that we consult regularly.

Some managers offer, for a monthly subscription, encrypted online storage for sensitive documents. In all cases, these services require a "master" identification that must be kept carefully, either locally or online.

Some good students

In the face of repeated attacks on personal data and large-scale collection of sensitive information, the market for this type of software has grown considerably in recent years. To the point that it is not easy to sort. There are free and paid offers, most of which have free features and premium options. One of the market players is LastPass. The free version is complete and the paid offer, at 3 euros / month, adds 1 GB encrypted storage and the possibility of sharing your identifiers between trusted third parties. A little higher (4.99 euros / month), 1Password offers Yubikey two-factor authentication, 1 GB storage, remote deletion of sensitive data or even the inclusion of biometric identifiers, such as TouchID on iOS. Dashlane and Keeper are other solutions.


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