The prices of fruits and vegetables increased by 15% over one year in June, the fault of the drop in imports due to the coronavirus. The president of the FNSEA Christiane Lambert estimated on Europe 1 "that we cannot have a country of consumers who always want to buy cheaper, otherwise we will have unemployed consumers".


With the coronavirus crisis and the fall in imports, the prices of fruits and vegetables increased by nearly 15% in one year in June. Christiane Lambert, the president of the FNSEA (the main farmers' union), explained the reasons for this sharp increase on Wednesday morning on Europe 1. She notably mentioned the production costs, which are higher in France, but also called consumers to help local agriculture. "The workforce in France costs more and affects everything that is manufactured. We talk about the need to create jobs in France following the crisis, but we must understand that producing in France will cost more. We cannot not have a country of consumers who always want to buy cheaper, otherwise we will have unemployed consumers, ”said the president of the FNSEA.

"During confinement, many French people discovered short circuits, but 70% remained loyal to large-scale distribution. The French are now more eager to buy French. It is absolutely necessary to keep this desire to buy French, because That creates jobs in France. Our purchases make our jobs! "exclaimed Christiane Lambert. "We cannot cry on Mondays because there is too much unemployment, and on Saturdays go push your shopping cart to buy the cheapest products but which are not produced in France. We need consistency and consistency. responsible purchasing ", asked the president of the FNSEA.