Hitachi, Ltd. In-house PCR test system improvement New coronavirus July 27, 20:35

As the global spread of the new coronavirus continues, Hitachi has established a system for in-house testing so that employees traveling overseas can quickly obtain a negative PCR test proof.

Hitachi has minimized overseas business trips by prohibiting travel in areas where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Infectious Disease Hazard Information" is "Level 3".

On the other hand, in the future, it is expected that more employees will be required to make business trips to areas where negative proof of PCR test is required, so we have established a system to carry out PCR test at bases in Tokyo and Ibaraki.

This means collecting samples in-house and sending them to a laboratory.

In addition, on all smartphones that the company supplies to employees, in addition to installing a contact confirmation app of the country that can be notified if there is a suspicion of a heavy contact with an infected person of the new coronavirus, also on the employee's private smartphone I decided to recommend the introduction of the app.

In addition, we will continue working toward working from home as much as possible, and refraining from having dinner and socializing with people outside the company by the end of September.

These efforts are targeted at approximately 33,000 employees.

In response to the lack of confirmation of the new coronavirus infection, companies are taking new steps, such as strengthening work from home.