
Kwon Aeri's friendly economy starts. Reporter Kwon, the government announced the amendment to the tax law yesterday (the 22nd). Can you point out what has changed in detail?


There are many ways to change the method of taxation, so there are many reports.

So in a friendly economy, let's look at some of the less taxable taxpayers elsewhere today.

Card income deduction, which reduces taxes if you spend a lot, increases this limit by 300,000 won this year. When the amount of money I spend this year is more than 25% of the money I make this year, the deduction starts from a certain percentage from the excess.

However, there is no deduction limit, but a deduction limit for each income section. This is increasing 300,000 won for every income segment this year, as you can see in the table on the screen now.

We are increasing the deduction rate to 80% for credit card use by this month to encourage consumption in corona situations.

However, some pointed out that if the deduction limit remains the same, if you try to increase the deduction rate, it will soon reach the limit. There seems to be an alternative to raising the deduction limit by 300,000 won.


And if you buy certain items like car consumption tax, you can cut taxes or pay more taxes.


Yes. First, electric cars and electric cars are items that encourage consumption to buy this. If you buy an electric car, you will also receive subsidies and tax benefits.

Because in the future, we want electric cars to increase more than cars that run with oil.

We decided to extend the tax benefits of electric vehicles to 2022. Taxes on electric vehicles The individual consumption tax is reduced, but the maximum is 3 million won.

Since the individual consumption tax is reduced, the tax paid for 30% of the individual consumption tax is reduced by the name of education tax when buying a car.

So, if you buy an electric car, you will continue to cut taxes by up to 3.9 million won by 2022.

However, the electric vehicle reduction and electric vehicle benefits just mentioned, while being able to receive the electric vehicle in duplicate, are cutting down 30% of the individual consumption tax regardless of what new car you are buying.

On the other hand, cigarettes, which are not items that encourage consumption, will increase the price of liquid cigarettes next year. This is because the consumption tax for liquid e-cigarettes is doubled.

The individual consumption tax per mL of nicotine solution is 370 won, but it is 740 won. The purpose of raising the tax for liquid cigarettes this time is to balance equity with the taxes levied on cigarettes and cigarettes.

So you can think of it as a way to increase the price of liquid cigarettes, rather than taxing them differently from cigarettes.


There have been some changes in real estate and stocks from the previous announcement?


Yes. Even in a friendly economy, there are some things that I have mentioned in detail. First of all, at the end of last month, the government announced that it would change the tax on income from financial investment.

The key was this. I'm going to collect the capital gains tax that I haven't walked to non-majority individual investors so far. When I sell profited stocks and realize profits, I'm going to walk 20% of the profits as taxes, but I'm not walking up to 20 million won a year. This was controversial as the backlash of individual investors continued.

In the end, the tax reform plan was revised significantly as the president said last week that he should not undermine individual investors' desire to invest.

The income earned from domestic stocks and equity funds is subject to a transfer tax from 2023, but not up to 50 million won.

The direction for the individual investors to take over the stock transfer tax remains the same, but it has increased the scope of the non-taxable transfer margin than previously announced.

On the other hand, the time to start securities trading tax, which is expected to be cut by the end of last month, and start to apply step by step is a little earlier.

Now, every time you trade stocks, you're taking 0.25% of the deal, which is 0.15% by 2023.

Another thing, this is what I told you this week, on Monday, when I sell my house and pay the capital gains tax in the future, I also sell the pre-sale right with one house, so I said that the presale right will be counted to determine if I am a multi-home or not. This policy remains the same. The target of application changes.

Originally, as soon as the relevant tax laws were changed, it was intended to be applied to all concessions. However, it was decided to apply only from the pre-sale rights acquired after the changing law came into effect. In short, those who have a pre-sale right are not eligible.