Netflix At home, membership growth is expected to slow from this month 9:45 on July 17

Netflix, a major video distribution company in the United States, announced the financial results for the last three months until the last month, and the number of members spending at home increased due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, so the number of members increased by more than 10 million, a significant increase in revenue Profit increased. On the other hand, for the three months from this month to September, it is expected that the growth of members will slow due to the relaxation of restrictions on going out.

Netflix announced its financial results from April to June on the 16th, with three-month sales of $6,148 million and more than JPY 650 billion in Japanese yen, compared to the same period last year. That's more than 24%.

In addition, the final profit also doubled more than ¥77 billion in Japanese yen.

During the last three months, which was the target of financial statements, the spread of new coronavirus infections has increased the number of people who spend their time at home, leading to an increase in membership.

The number of members in the world has grown by more than 10 million to more than 192 million.

On the other hand, for the three months from this month to September, the company forecast that the number of members will increase to more than 2.5 million due to the relaxation of restrictions on going out.

While many companies are hit by the spread of viruses in the United States, major IT companies are maintaining solid business performance, and Amazon and Apple are paying close attention toward the end of this month.