Measure and analyze employee happiness Propose improvement measures Hitachi establishes new company June 29, 17:23

Hitachi will establish a new company that measures the well-being of people and provides it to companies and others. The new coronavirus will change the way people work, and we aim to support the vitalization of the organization by increasing happiness.

According to the announcement, next month Hitachi will establish a new company, "Happiness Planet", which will work on its own technology to measure the well-being of people.

The company uses an app that uses the smartphone's accelerometer to measure small movements and sway of the body that the person does not notice, and analyzes how the person communicates with others. Then, how much you contributed to the happiness of those around you is named "Happiness Relationship" and displayed numerically.

As a result of Hitachi's repeated field trials for over 10 years, it was confirmed that the higher the number, the more activated the organization will be.

With the spread of telework caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, the work style is changing drastically, and the new company will measure and analyze the happiness of employees and propose a concrete improvement plan. is.

Kazuo Yano, a Fellow at Hitachi, Ltd., who will be the representative of the new company, said, "I think that it will be an infrastructure that companies can get closer to the correct answer of a new work style, such as how to allocate work in the office and telework." Is talking.

Mechanism of "happiness" measurement

Hitachi's technology uses the smartphone's accelerometer to measure slight movements and shaking that the person does not notice, and analyzes how he or she communicated with other people.

And, how much they contributed to the happiness of the other party is named "Happiness relationship degree" and evaluated on the app, and it is about 12 at the maximum. The value changes with each measurement, but if it exceeds 10, it is highly evaluated.

It also means that the app has a function that encourages actions that lead to improved numbers, such as "Let's choose positive words in conversation" or "Look for other people's good points".

Hitachi, Ltd., led by Kazuo Yano Fellow, has been investigating the relationship between slight movements of the body and people's well-being for 15 years from 2005. As a result, it was confirmed that there was a certain relationship between physical activity and happiness.

In addition, after conducting field trials for approximately 30,000 people who work in a wide range of workplaces such as other manufacturers, IT companies, and hospitals, it was found that the more organizations that make people happy, the higher their productivity will be. ..

Regarding the measurement of happiness level Hitachi's new company wants to think about various ways of utilizing medical and nursing care, community development, such as demonstrating that the higher the happiness level is, the healthier the mind and body are and applying it to the field of life insurance. is.

Telework Anxiety and loneliness are issues

With regard to telework that has spread due to the spread of the new coronavirus, there is also a survey that shows that communication with people inside and outside the company becomes an issue.

In March this year, a private think tank, Persol Research Institute, conducted a survey of 1,000 people doing telework for anxiety and loneliness.

According to this, the most common anxiety I felt while doing telework was “3) It was difficult to understand the feelings of the other person when it comes to non-face-to-face communication.

Next, 38.4% said, "I'm worried if I don't think I'm doing my job."

When asked about loneliness, 28.8% of the respondents answered, "I think they are isolated."

It means that the more frequent the teleworking is, the more lonely it is.

According to a think tank, which conducted the survey, "Telework revealed that many people are working with loneliness and anxiety. Communication is the key to creating a good workplace."