• Controversy.The Government signs with Bildu the "complete" repeal of the labor reform and rectifies at midnight

Feeling in the corporate leadership of treason and deception when not even two weeks have passed since the agreement in the social partners at the Palacio de la Moncloa.

In a statement of unusual harshness, CEOE and Cepyme have expressed this Thursday their "resounding" rejection of the agreement of PSOE and Unidas Podemos with EH Bildu to repeal the labor reform in exchange for their support for the last of the extensions of the state of alarm. The commitment to the Basque group takes for granted the urgent repeal of chapters of the reform without providing for the slightest consultation or prior dialogue with the social partners, contrary to what was expressed last February by the economic vice president, Nadia Calviño, at headquarters parliamentary.

In the opinion of the businessmen, this pact supposes an "outrageous contempt" for social dialogue, "for those who dynamite" ; to the role that the Constitution itself grants to the social agents, and to the State institutions themselves "in the most delicate moment of the Spanish economy and, therefore, when this dialogue becomes more necessary".

The employers also warn that the agreement with Bildu "also ignores" the recommendations that the European Commission launched yesterday, in which it raises the need to base the recovery in the medium term on measures to support employment taken in agreement with the social partners . "It is lethal for the Spanish economy," a senior employer leader told this newspaper.

"The agreement reached is one of major irresponsibility and will have incalculable negative consequences on the Spanish economy and on business confidence, both nationally and internationally, which will have a profoundly negative impact on employment. At the moment, when the Government itself is addressing with employers and unions flexibility measures in the workplace to guarantee the subsistence of thousands of companies and millions of jobs, in the sectors hardest hit by Covid-19, it is totally inconsistent and contrary to sign an agreement to step back and increase rigidity in the labor market, "defend CEOE and Cepyme in a statement.

In the opinion of business organizations, in this way all efforts made through the temporary employment regulation files (ERTE) will be ruined to hibernate the workforce and safeguard millions of jobs.

The President of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and that of Cepyme, Gerardo Cuerva, attended the signing of the ERTE extension agreement in Moncloa last 11th day , despite the opposition of members of the employers who saw it as insufficient and bet that the government was using the social partners. "It was clear that Sánchez was going to cheat us, but I didn't think so soon," says a member of the CEOE Executive Committee.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Bildu
  • CEOE
  • European Comission
  • Spain
  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • job
  • Early retirement
  • economy

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