The Government published last Saturday a ministerial order that changes the initial rules that had been established for the opening of trade in the different phases. They can now open shops without an appointment throughout Spain and, in addition, also those of more than 400 square meters as long as spaces of the same area are delimited. In addition, after four changes of opinion in less than five days, the sales are finally allowed.

What stores can open today and where? From today you can open all small shops without an appointmentin all Spain. In phase 1 this was already possible, but the Government has also allowed that in communities such as Madrid, for example, that has not passed the phase, stores can start their activity without the need for the customer to call before. What about stores over 400 square meters? The Government has changed its initial criteria and starting today it is allowed to open all stores over 400 square meters, provided that they limit the space open to the public according to this threshold of 400 meters and with several other requirements. For example, a 5,000-square-meter business will be able to open (even if it is located in a community that is still in phase 0) as long as it limits a space inside 400 meters. The distribution sector had asked the Executive to allow commerce open regardless of the surface, since they consider that what has to prevail are the safety and hygiene measures. They argue that if a 1,000-square-meter grocery store has been able to open while guaranteeing the safety of its customers, a clothing store of this size, for example, can also do so. Is there limited capacity inside the stores? Yes. It is 30%. In addition, a minimum distance of two meters between clients or only one person within the establishment and a priority service schedule for people over 65 years of age must be guaranteed.And shopping centers? In shopping centers, only stores that have access may open direct to the street, but not those to which, to access, the customer has to enter the common space of the shopping center. For example, a store that is inside a shopping arcade will not be able to open, even if it is less than 400 square meters, but one of 1,000 with access to the street will be able to do so (as long as it limits the space open to the public at 400 meters) . What about the sales? After changing criteria four times in four days, the Government will finally allow businesses to make sales and promotions as long as the crowds are controlled. The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism defended last week that businesses could carry out these promotions as long as they controlled the capacity. Health exposed the opposite criterion, although in the end the one that has prevailed is that of Industry. Under what conditions can they be carried out? Discounts can be made in physical stores, as long as they do not give rise to crowds that prevent compliance with sanitary measures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus, according to the ministerial order published last Saturday in the BOE. The responsibility for not causing riots rests with the merchant, who will have to guarantee that the capacity is respected. Can they also be done in communities that are in phase 0? Yes. This measure will also apply in Phase 0, which still includes the Community of Madrid, Barcelona and part of Castilla y León, whose businesses may carry out promotions following the rules established for their operation in these places.

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