
Tuesday's friendly economy, reporter Kwon Aeri is out. Reporter Kwon, I'm really curious about how much people spend and how much money they spend.


Yes. There's a lot of money for the correct answer. How much pocket money do you give to your parents, and what to do in the 60th birthday.

My mom's friend's son, my mom's friend's daughter, and my parents are curious about what to do. A report came out with answers to things you couldn't go to and ask Um Chin-a who doesn't know your face.

Shinhan Bank Big Data Center has been researching and financing Korean people's financial and consumer life every year since 2016.

This year, I especially notice how newbies in the two years of work experience are spending money on social relationships, and how those in their thirties over the third year are advising them.

Everyone in their 20s and 30s received the first salary, and the average level of commemorative allowance given to their parents was considered to be 300,000 won on average.

When I asked my parents to pay their monthly living expenses, I thought 200,000 won a month as an appropriate line. Then, how much to spend on the holidays, and on average, the appropriate line was to pay 200,000 won for the holidays.

This is the amount considered even in the 30s, when the nephews have more people to take care of than their parents.

I gave an average of 300,000 won to my parents' birthday, but 30-year-old office workers told their 20s that "it is too much for you. 200,000 won is appropriate."

However, I thought the amount of pocket money suitable for my parents' 60th birthday and seventy-something was 500,000 won. I thought of eating together in a good place.


I think this may be a little different for each person ... (Yes, it's the average.) And it's one of the things I'm curious about, too. How are others doing?


Yes. A co-worker at work is money, but there is another important thing. "I have to go, but I can't go" This is important.

Once the workers in their 20s and 30s have to go, this is the parental award that most people think about. This is a good thing to go, 83% said they would attend.

The subsidy was tightly divided, with 50,000 won wave accounting for 52% and 100,000 won wave accounting for 44%. The 50,000 won is still dominant.

However, more than half of the opinions were given to the grandparents, saying, 'Isn't it?

79% of team members from the same department go to weddings, but other teams think they don't have to go. Only 44% said they would attend.

In fact, people in their 20s and 30s have a burden of spending money on weekends or weekends, but they are also interested in small weddings themselves. There is a growing atmosphere of wanting to have a wedding with more personally intimate people. Those faces seem to be reflected as a result.

Nevertheless, the wedding of the same job was special. The response to going to the wedding was 71%, which was a little less than the teammate's wedding, but considering that there are some respondents who are large-scale bonds or largely motivated to join, it seems to show the level of solidarity among the motives.

It's because when you meet every day and you go on a honeymoon, you think it's as important as the teammates you should see every day. Even though the size of the celebratory money is said to be married, the opinion that it is paid 100,000 won overwhelmed 50,000 won.

<Anchor> When the

story of the gift of money came out, if you are a man or woman in their 20s or 30s, you might think about dating and marriage. What were your thoughts on getting married?


I asked two unmarried workers. How much do you think you're ready to get married once you earn yourself, and how much do you expect your spouse's income to be, and the average annual salary for both men and women?

The man thought he was ready to get married for an average salary of 43.25 million won. Those who would be wives said they would like to earn 32.16 million won. It is average.

The woman felt that her spouse was ready to get married after receiving an annual salary of 48.58 million won and 33.67 million won. There are some differences between men and women.

Women have higher expectations for men than men. I also see myself thinking that a man is ready to get married when he earns more than he expects. In the gap, the amount of money I thought I should earn was higher.

On the other hand, then, how much money should be saved, and men thought that it would be good if the two were close together, while there were fewer women. I thought that 150 million would be suitable for marriage.

Here, married seniors gave opinions close to women's. If you have about 160, you can get married enough. After marrying, I advised that I could borrow something else and pay it back together.