<Anchor> The

IRS is conducting a tax investigation on the case of using a real estate corporation to avoid heavy tax burden on multi-homeowners. We have also begun verifying over 6,700 total real estate corporations.

This is Han Se-hyun.


Mr. A in his 20s, the representative of the 'One Person Real Estate Corporation', lives and buys 2 billion won apartments in Gangnam-gu, Seoul in the name of the company.

The hospital's father gave money for hospital advertising, but there was no actual advertising activity.

The National Tax Service is investigating allegations of escape from hospitals as a gift.

[Real estate consultant: You pay only the corporate tax, and your children are re-teching for their tastes.

Whether you take it out of your salary or take dividends, you can reinvest while rolling in a corporation .] Sometimes, you use a real estate corporation to avoid heavy taxation on multi-homeowners.

Mr. B, who owns two high-priced apartments, received a tax exemption by selling one of them to a 100% family-owned corporation at a low price and not paying the transfer tax and reporting the remaining one house as one house.

[Gimwanil Tax / Accounting Doctoral: Even if that to my investments have a corporate shares (all), both because other entities, corporations owned're going Damage (the dajutaekja double taxation), because distinct from private]

this technique The National Tax Service has entered into a tax investigation for 27 real estate corporations that have been alleged to be evacuated.

Most of them are single-owned shareholders and family-owned corporations.

In the first quarter of this year, over 13,000 apartment transactions were passed to individuals by corporations, which has already reached 73% of all transactions last year.

[Imgwanghyeon / IRS survey director: (real estate corporation) shortcuts gift for your child or being exploited as a means to circumvent the restrictions on dajutaekja]

IRS established then more Meanwhile, the real estate subsidiary to transfer validation for more than 6,700 more Real Estate Corporation In such cases, the improvement of the system was suggested to the relevant ministries so that the transfer tax would be applied.

(Video coverage: Mincheol Kim, Video editing: Seungjin Lee, VJ: Jungmin-gu)