Dubai Economic Department outlined 9 precautionary measures and social precautions during Ramadan as part of its plan to reopen economic life in the emirate, as it seeks to implement the measures by supporting an awareness plan and continues through joint campaigns in cooperation with the media office of the Dubai government and other related social initiatives.

Precautions include each of the following aspects:

    Not allowing social gatherings of more than 10 people in private places, including not permitting the holding of funerals or weddings, etc., as the principles of social separation are required during those small gatherings in which the number of people does not exceed 10, and include not physically communicating through handshaking, hugging, and not that. It is also highly recommended that gatherings be few and limited to extended family members or very close friends during Iftar or Suhoor.

2. Not to allow food donation, as no food should be donated or provided directly to anyone outside the family, with the exception of collective donations under the direct supervision of charities and government agencies, and donation should only be made through accredited charitable bodies.

3- Not allowed to receive food, as it is not recommended to share food between family members who live in different homes to reduce the risk of transmission, but when receiving food from family or friends, food must be carefully transported to special household containers.

4. It will not be permitted to perform congregational prayer during the month of Ramadan, just as congregational prayer among the immediate family members is conditional on the fact that they live in the same house.

5. Not to allow visits to individuals at high risk, as it should be avoided to visit individuals at high risk (such as the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, etc.) if not in the same family for their safety.

It is advised to visit the same family members who live in different homes to be limited and limited to the basic and as needed.

6. Not accepting domestic help, as the family should be directed not to meet individuals outside the family, and not to accept food or materials of unknown origin, and that domestic help provide appropriate protection equipment when dealing with individuals outside the family, and domestic workers must be given the correct instructions To receive parcels (such as wiping the packaging or food container, wearing gloves, etc.), it is advised to reduce the family's movement to a minimum and to arrange their stay in the family home rather than housing them, especially in the case of caring for infants or the elderly

7. It is advised to leave the house for essentials only, as it is possible to make a family visit and one external activity according to the specified criteria, and that in the case of being outside the home, you should avoid touching any surfaces and do hands sterilization immediately after doing this, while avoiding touching the face until the hands are washed with soap And water properly. The elderly and those at risk of developing chronic diseases should be encouraged to stay at home and avoid public places

8. The correct masks must be worn when using public or private transportation. It is recommended that disinfectants are readily available and frequently used in the event of travel, whether in private or public transportation.

9. Isolate any person who has symptoms of the disease immediately, and contact the Dubai Health Authority hotline, and all family members, especially the elderly and vulnerable, must stay away from the sick individual.