<Anchor> With

these measures in place, President Moon Jae-in said today (22th) that he will promote the Korean version of the new deal. The government is going to make steady demand and save the economy as the United States did to escape the Great Depression in the past. To this end, a third supplementary plan will be formed soon this year.

Reporter Hwagang Yoon will deliver this.


Last month's employment shock was concentrated in the service industry with many face-to-face contacts.

But the crisis is in its infancy.

If the global manufacturing industry, including the United States and Europe, is hit by the export manufacturing industry, a more severe cold job may occur.

The government's job countermeasures are close to symptomatic therapy that absorbs the immediate impact.

The 550,000 new jobs the government intends to create are one-time jobs that end in six months, just like jobs for the elderly.

Financial support for self-employed and unpaid leave is also a short-term measure of 500,000 won / month, 3 months.

That is why the Korean version of the New Deal was brought out by the President.

Just like the United States right after the Great Depression, the government is going to create a massive and sustained demand.

[President Moon Jae-in: Promoting large-scale national projects with high job creation effects will not only create jobs, but will prepare for innovation growth in the post-corona era.]

Hong Nam-ki, deputy prime minister with a blueprint for the Korean version of the New Deal, expanded digital services, expanded SOC and social safety net were discussed.

The government is planning to release a blueprint for the 'Korean New Deal' in early June as it prepares a third supplementary budget to finance the employment measures.

As the budget to be spent is reduced as much as possible to fund emergency disaster support funds, the third supplementary plan is expected to be procured mostly by issuing deficit government bonds.

(Video coverage: Kim Min-cheol, video editing: Park player)  

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