Quarantine officials warned that 'voting certification', which takes off plastic gloves and puts a ballot stamp on the back of the general election, is dangerous.

He stressed that the act of stamping on plastic gloves was also inappropriate.

Jung Eun-kyung, head of the Central Quarantine Countermeasures Counter, asked at the briefing held at the Osong Disease Control Headquarters in Chungbuk on the 13th. Replied.

"If you put a ballot on your bare hand, it is not appropriate because your hands can contaminate other parts (in the ticket office)," said Jung. "The plastic gloves must be removed while voting and coming out."

He said, "It is unlikely that painting on plastic gloves will significantly increase the risk of infection, but this is also not appropriate." He said, "Please follow the rules for the health of you and your neighbors."

"It is a mask, hand sanitizer, and plastic gloves at the polling place because the virus can spread through hand contact," said Chung. "This part must be observed when voting."

All voters participating in the general election must receive a fever check at the polling place, disinfect their hands with disinfectant, and wear disposable vinyl sanitary gloves distributed by election clerks to both hands.

Plastic gloves should be discarded in the box provided at the exit when all voting procedures have been completed.

Some 10--11 days prior to voting, some voters even stamped their hands on the back of their hands to verify their vote.

(Photo = Yonhap News)