Construction on sloping ground is done using various techniques depending on the desired result. - IStock / City Presse

Wanting to build your house from A to Z so that it looks like no other is a commendable project, but you still have to find the right land to lay the first concrete block there.

While most sites meet all the conditions for safe building, others require some adaptations. This is particularly the case for sloping land, which requires some specific developments.

Calculate the percentage of the slope

First of all, it is necessary to know the percentage of the slope to know if it is soft, moderate or strong. This "detail" is essential to establish a construction plan that will be adapted to the constraints of the terrain. To do this calculation, divide the elevation (i.e. the total height between the point of arrival and the point of departure) with the horizontal distance from the ground before multiplying by 100.

Thus, for example, a slope of 8% corresponds to a height difference of 8 m for a horizontal distance of 100 m.

The risks of such a construction

Building on sloping ground does not carry the same risks as on level ground. It is necessary to take into account possible ground movements such as landslides, avalanches in mountainous areas, settlements, landslides, earthquakes, cracks ... If the nature of the ground is too unstable, the foundations of the building will be clearly compromised .

If you still want to take the risk of building on sloping land, know that your project will be subject to obtaining a conventional building permit, but that you will also need a geological and geotechnical study of the soil, and a document which summarizes the work envisaged. As everywhere, your future house must also respond to the local urban plan (PLU) and the subdivision regulations if necessary.

Possible types of construction

To build on a slope, there are different techniques, necessarily implemented by professionals. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but the choice will be made according to the typology of the terrain. First, there is the built-in or semi-buried layout, which is particularly preferred in mountainous regions. This method consists of burying the basement of the house, which also provides it with natural insulation. However, this establishment requires very significant excavation work.

The step technique, as its name suggests, allows you to create successive levels that follow the elevation of the terrain. Unlike the built-in house, it allows the creation of through views and therefore much brighter rooms. Only downside: building in stages necessarily requires stairs inside the house.

Finally, construction on stilts consists of hanging part of the house above the sloping ground. This technique is particularly suitable for very steep terrain. It offers a completely unobstructed view but also requires a very complex and expensive carrying system to counter the wind and ensure the best possible stability.


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At what price ?

Building on sloping ground will be much more expensive than conventional construction. The constraints related to the elevation require the intervention of several different professionals. Conversely, the prices of sloping land are generally cheaper than those of flat land. The quotes will be based on the nature of the land, the percentage of the slope, accessibility, type of construction, living area or the volume of earth to be cleared.

  • House
  • Rights
  • Housing
  • Mountain
  • Construction