[Explanation] Dangchang, Gansu has a reputation of “Millennium Medicine Township and Natural Medicine Depot” since ancient times. There are more than 690 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials in the country, of which more than 140 form the sales volume. The main place of origin.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, because of the "Gansu Recipe" for the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia, Codonopsis radix and Astragalus membranaceus and other Chinese medicinal materials can play a role in spleen, lung, and solid roots for patients in the recovery period. A must-have for people with the same medicine and food.

Hu Dongpeng, director of the Dangchang County E-commerce Center in Longnan City, Gansu Province, told reporters that during the epidemic, the demand for Chinese medicinal materials skyrocketed. After the full resumption of production, the first batch of 125 kilograms of Codonopsis thin slices was exported to the United States, achieving a great start for cross-border e-commerce. In recent years, local Chinese medicinal materials have also been exported to the United States, Italy, South Korea, Japan and other places.

[Concurrent] Hu Dongpeng, Director of Dangchang County E-commerce Center, Longnan City, Gansu Province

We mainly export to Rome, Italy, and California, USA. During this period of time, it has been a rapid advance or a skyrocketing price. The price has more than tripled. For example, some of our party ginseng seedlings and angelica seedlings were promoted online and offline through e-commerce to help poor households and farmers. More than 300 tons of angelica seedlings and Dangshen seedlings were sold.

[Explanation] Wen Yalan, the sales manager of the local Dadongshan Cooperative, admitted to reporters that last year, I often encountered customers asking for specific effects. This year, I felt that everyone's understanding of Chinese medicine was obviously "upgraded". Many customers placed orders without consulting, especially in the recent period , Astragalus tea is occasionally out of stock.

[Same Period] Wen Yalan, Sales Manager, Dadongshan Cooperative, Dangchang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

At the beginning of last year, many people did n’t recognize it. Only people we know locally bought it for themselves and gave it to friends, but this year will be different. Through the impact of the epidemic this year, we originally had our Astragalus and Codonopsis in the Gansu formula. Immediately after the end of the year, the goods began to be shipped in large quantities. For the first time from Qingdao, I sent more than one hundred boxes of astragalus tea.

[Explanation] The high-quality Chinese medicinal material planting base in Laluliang, Pangjia Township is the 23,000 acres of Chinese medicinal material cultivation core demonstration area in Dangchang, and it is also one of the main production areas of Zigui. At present, the township has ample reserves of Chinese medicinal materials, with more than 80 tons of astragalus stocks and more than 100 tons of angelica stocks. The deputy head of Pangjiaxiang, Li Qingping, told reporters that the epidemic is a major challenge and looks forward to an early end, but at the same time the epidemic is also an opportunity for the cause of Chinese medicine.

[Contemporary] Li Qingping, Deputy Head of Pangjia Township, Dangchang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

Since the outbreak of this year, especially in Gansu Province, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine has been used, and the treatment effect is very obvious. Therefore, the price of these medicinal materials has been improved. Last year, the price of our astragalus per kilogram was around ten dollars. Rising to more than twenty dollars, this is a good opportunity for us to promote the development of Chinese medicine.

[Explanation] In recent years, Dangchang, Gansu, has taken Chinese medicinal materials as the pillar industry of Fuminqiang County. By establishing a workshop for the processing of Chinese medicinal materials, it has dug deeper into the research and development of Chinese medicinal products, and successively developed a number of traditional Chinese medicines such as astragalus tea and Wubao tea. Wood net red products. At the same time, an online and offline multi-channel sales model focusing on e-commerce sales was developed to form an integration of production, purchase and sales, and develop the Chinese medicinal materials industry.

As a matter of fact, in 2019, the local government brought in the first- and second-generation e-commerce merchants by "inviting in and going out", introduced cross-border e-commerce teams, opened the Alibaba International Station, and successfully completed import and export registration Certificate, completed a large amount of astragalus pieces in Rome, Italy, cross-border e-commerce orders.

Reporter Li Yalong, Wei Jianjun, Longnan, Gansu

Editor-in-chief: [Luo Pan]