The first three fact sheets have been put online to summarize the health prevention measures that people working at the checkout or bakery and the delivery drivers must apply. Twelve practical sheets must be distributed by the Ministry of Labor within ten days.

The Ministry of Labor has started to publish practical health prevention sheets against the coronavirus by trade, the first three of which, posted online on Friday, relate to work in checkout, bakery and the profession of delivery driver.

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"Economic continuity" and protection of employees

Twelve other practical health recommendation sheets must be published "within 10 days", according to the ministry, which "has set up a team of experts" to "respond (to) the double challenge of continuity" of economic activity and "protection" of employees. "The necessary continuity of economic activity must not be at the expense of the security of employees," said the ministry in a statement. "In all sectors, barrier gestures and distance rules are the best protection against the spread of Covid-19," he adds.

My priority: ensuring the health and safety of employees. We will not compromise. Our team of experts supports professionals by establishing a good practice guide for each profession to protect employees. @pietraszewski_l

3 guides

- Muriel Pénicaud (@murielpenicaud) March 28, 2020

The other practical sheets to be published will concern the activities of the agricultural and agrifood sector, those of surveillance and security, cleanliness, crematorium and funeral home, fuel distribution and the "downstream automobile chain (repair, interior cleaning ...) ", plumbers, cooks, home help and personal services, paramedics or banks and insurance.

"Space open crates" and disinfect regularly

On the sheet for delivery drivers, the ministry recommends in particular to disinfect "the keys and the interior of the vehicle between each user". He asked to prepare "a kit that each delivery person will take before leaving: reserve of water and soap, disposable towels or hydroalcoholic gel, wipes, garbage bags, toilet paper ..."

The card for work in the crate prescribes inter alia to "space open crates" if possible, to "materialize on the ground the measure of 1 m of social distance", to provide employees with hydroalcoholic gel or disinfectant wipes, "regularly" disinfect the crates, cash register mats, credit card keypads, trolley bars and basket handles, protect the crates with translucent screens and provide breaks so that staff can wash their hands regularly.


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The sheet for bakery work recommends in particular to "allocate as far as possible individual work tools", to "favor payment by contactless bank card" and to "assign if possible an exclusive person for collection "to" avoid contact between food and money ".
On each sheet, the ministry reminds that "on contaminated surfaces (objects, handles ...), the virus can survive for a few hours".