NY Stock Price Market Sway Starts 3 Weeks 21.5% Down from Historical Highs March 14 9:07

The New York Stock Market, which has experienced record declines due to concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus, has started three days after three days of market turmoil. Dow Jones averaged a record high of $ 29,551 a month ago on the 12th of last month, but the closing price on the 13th has fallen sharply by 21.5% compared to its highs. .

The spread of the new coronavirus could have a serious impact on the global economy. All of this worries aggravated, and a sharp fall in stock prices occurred on Monday, 24th of last month.

On this day, Dow Jones averaged $ 1031 and fell $ 3583 in the five days to 28th.

The following week, there was a huge price increase of over $ 1000, but it fluctuated daily and the market became more volatile.

This week, the New York Stock Exchange was forced to stop trading twice, called a "circuit breaker," to prevent the stock price from plummeting. A record $ 2,352 has fallen since the month's stock crash.

The Dow Jones average closing price fell to $ 23,185 on the 13th, after three weeks.

This is a drop of $ 6,365, a drop of 21.5%, compared to the highest price on last month, and "beyond 20%", weak prices will continue to be "bull market" Is said to have entered.

By the way, President Trump has appealed to the strong stock price as a major achievement for re-election.

In a State of the Union address on Monday, stock prices continued to rise, boasting that "stock prices have risen 70% compared to the 2016 presidential election, bringing in more than $ 12 trillion in wealth." However, the rise rate of "70%" has fallen to about "26%" in the closing price on the 13th.