
Companies that run call centers are taking measures such as having employees work from home or sitting away from the office. But this is also said to be possible in some big companies.

Reporter Jeong Seong-jin was covered.


Vacancy is noticeable throughout the call center office.

As 25% of SK Telecom's call center employees went to telecommuting, the workers who came to the office were seated with seats.

Other carriers such as KT are also planning to increase telecommuting, and some financial companies have given paid leave to some of the call center employees or introduced shifts.

However, it is only possible in some good companies and financial company call centers. The working environment of subcontract call centers contracted by small and medium-sized financial companies is still poor.

[Call Center Workers: (Increase the interval) by 2m, or work from home, or honestly, everyone doesn't even think about their dreams ... .]

The principal agency puts the responsibility on the subcontractor, and the subcontractor puts the responsibility on the principal, and there are often no clear measures.

[Call Center Workers: Which other space offices can be secured, desks secured, computerized, and those subcontractors can afford these costs? .]

Investigation of the actual status of the quarantine authorities and local governments is more than just a demonstration.

[Call Center officials: You've made a few to three or four calls to say 'we've done an investigation', and I felt this way.] Some companies have announced in-house notifications that they should wear a mask only when the local government's inspection schedule is leaked to a call center company in advance.

The government emphasized that the call center company should be designated as the person responsible for infection control, and the principal agency should be responsible and manage the quarantine.

(Video editing: Jongmi Kim)

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