On February 29, the reporter saw in the Heilongjiang Provincial New Crown Pneumonia Severe Intensive Treatment Center. A white robot with large eyes and a rectangular body, "Xiaobai" opened the protective door of the isolation area and "walked into" the treatment center. ICU.

It is understood that "Xiaobai" is a medical logistics robot and also the first medical robot for the treatment of new crown pneumonia in Heilongjiang Province. Currently, it is being used in the intensive care center.

According to the nurses from the Heilongjiang Provincial New Crown Pneumonia Severe Intensive Treatment Center, "Xiaobai" provided them with a lot of convenience. Severe patients need to be monitored 24 hours a day. Blood tests and medications may be sent at any time. Several people will be arranged for shifts and waste manpower. And protective clothing. The robot can run more than ten times a day, the frequency is high, and the test results come out soon.

Editor-in-chief: [Tao Guangxiong]