The company «Omegle», which specializes in the travel services and reservations via the Internet, offered a set of guidelines for people who travel with the intention of tourism for the first time, specifying the most important of them as follows:

■ After calculating the fixed amounts that you have to pay, you must start looking at the details, such as the location of the hotel or hotels that you will stay in, and its distance from the attractions, as well as the services provided.

■ Always check the laws of the country you are traveling to. You can call the hotel by phone or go to its website or its social media accounts to view the available services.

■ If you are booking individually via a website, set your options well from the hotel website to the prepayment terms, taking into account the comments of previous hotel guests.

■ Inquire about the means of transportation available in the country to which you travel to and from the airport and between cities or areas far from the capital, especially joint transportation or those for tourists.

■ Ask the airline that is traveling with a list of prohibited items inside the cabin of the plane and in the country you are traveling to, also ask about the maximum allowable weight and number of bags and luggage.

■ Do not forget to put the necessary and official papers together in the handbag or in an easily accessible place, as you may be asked to show them several times at airports and perhaps the plane.

■ Put the money and credit cards that you will use during your travel in a safe place and go to the airport provided that you arrive at least three hours before the plane takes off.

■ Before taking a tour of the duty-free shop, check the boarding pass, to find out which direction you must take to reach the departure gate and when it will open.