Terrorist Financing: Gafi Reinstates Sanctions Against Iran

Iran is the only country to appear on the Gafi blacklist, along with North Korea (illustration image) REUTERS / Leonhard Foeger

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This Friday, February 21, the countries of the Financial Action Task Force (GAFI) decided to reinstate all the sanctions targeting Tehran, which according to this international organization has not taken the measures requested of it against money laundering and terrorist financing.


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Composed of around thirty countries and regional organizations, the GAFI aims to clean up the international financial system by encouraging countries to track the flow of money intended for criminal organizations.

In 2016, Tehran had expressed its intention to join the organization. The Gafi then suspended sanctions against the Islamic Republic while waiting for it to comply with international standards . At the time, the Iranian nuclear deal had just been concluded and the country appeared to be on the brink of isolation.

But this Friday, the Gafi announced that Tehran has not taken the expected measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Back to square one for Iran, the only country with North Korea to appear on the Gafi blacklist.

This decision risks further worsening the economic situation of the Islamic Republic, already suffocated by American sanctions .

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  • Terrorism
  • Iran

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