Naftogaz dodatkovo having wrapped up its claim to increase the compensation of zbitkiv, having overtaken the illegal expropriation of Crimean assets to Naftogaz at 2014, the cost of rozmir zbitkiv plus an increase of approximately $ 8 billion. USA.

- Naftogaz of Ukraine (@NaftogazUK) February 17, 2020

Naftogaz additionally substantiated its statement on the amount of compensation for losses caused by the illegal expropriation of the Crimean assets of Naftogaz in 2014 - the amount of losses plus interest is estimated at approximately $ 8 billion, ”the Twitter report said.

It is specified that Naftogaz of Ukraine and six companies of the Naftogaz group filed a lawsuit against Russia.

In January, Naftogaz’s executive director, Yuri Vitrenko, announced that the Ukrainian company would file updated lawsuits against Crimean assets against Russia.