National banks accounted for 82.3% of the value of investments made by the banking system in the UAE during the past year, which amounted to 54.5 billion dirhams, while the share of foreign banks, including 11.7 billion dirhams.

The increase in the frequency of investments of the UAE banking system during 2019 contributed to increasing the cumulative balance of investments to the level of 399 billion dirhams, a growth of approximately 19.9% ​​compared to 2018, as documented by the figures issued by the Emirates Central Bank.

The significant growth in bank investment reflects the great opportunities available to the sector, which, according to the preliminary indicators shown by the annual financial statements issued by some banks, have contributed to increasing the profitability of the device from last year.

The investments of national banks witnessed good growth in all investment tools, after rising by 24.1 billion dirhams in the investment item in securities that represent debts on others (debt securities), which jumped with its total balance to 210.4 billion dirhams during the past year compared to 186.3 billion dirhams In 2018.

On the level of investments of national banks in shares, they increased from 10.1 billion dirhams in 2018 to 10.7 billion dirhams in 2019, while the balance of investment in bonds held to maturity increased from 78.5 billion dirhams to 95.8 billion dirhams.

With regard to foreign banks investments in the investment item in securities that represent debts on others (debt securities), they increased from 24.6 billion dirhams in 2018 to 35.6 billion dirhams in the past year.

On the level of its investments in stocks, it reached 100 million dirhams only in 2019, after it was reluctant to this type of investment in 2018.

The balance of its investments in bonds held to maturity increased from 2.7 billion dirhams to 3.3 billion dirhams in the same monitoring period, while no amounts were invested in the other investments item.


Billion dirhams the cumulative balance of investments last year.

The significant growth in bank investment reflects the great opportunities available to the sector.