Officials of Manafeth for the trade in jewelry and jewelry, that the purchase of tourists and visitors for gifts during the current period contributed to a limited improvement of indicators of the gold markets. They expect the sales of crafts during the coming period to record additional increases with the holiday season and New Year's celebrations.
“Sales recently recorded an improvement in the demand for new gold items, with a number of tourists and visitors heading to buy gifts of crafts,” Mousa Saad said, pointing out that “indicators of demand for artifacts are expected to increase by more during Next week, with a large number of dealers preferring to buy gifts before and during the New Year's celebrations.
The manager of the "Dahkan Jewelery" store, Ashok Poet, considered that "although there was an improvement in sales of new jewelry compared to the previous week, the registration of gold prices for significant increases recently limited the rise in sales by greater proportions, with some dealers, especially those residing in the state, to postpone the purchase." In anticipation of the return of gold prices to record appropriate declines motivate them to buy gifts ».