Tokyo Stock Market Nov. 28 15:47 after 5 business days drop

Today's Tokyo stock market and stock prices dropped for the first time in five business days. Some investors carefully watched the future of trade negotiations between the United States and China.

Nikkei Stock Average, today's closing price is 28.63 yen, cheaper 23,409.14 yen, TSE stock index / topics is down 2.92, 1708.06, the daily volume is 925.51 million shares did.

Market officials said, “Since President Trump signed the so-called“ Hong Kong bill ”in the US, there were investors who looked carefully at the future of trade negotiations between the US and China. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued. From the statement and the Chinese protest against the American ambassador in Beijing, there is nothing more than what we have claimed so far, and investors are paying attention to what retaliation measures China will take. "