Former Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank President Tsuyoshi Kishi passed away 19:24 on November 21 as the president of the Zengin Association

Mr. Kishibuchi, the head of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi and the current Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, died on the 15th of this month. I was 89 years old.

Mr. Kishi joined the Bank of Mitsubishi at that time in 1958 and was appointed as head of the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, which was born after the merger with the Bank of Tokyo.

In 2000, when he was the head of the company, we agreed to a business integration with Mitsubishi Trust Bank at that time, and now have many financial institutions such as banks, trust banks, and securities. "Laid the foundation.

Mr. Kishi also served as president of the National Banking Association from 1998 to 1999, and responded as a representative of the banking world as the problem of non-performing loans in banks became more serious.

He also became chairman of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi for two years from 2000. After that, he worked as a consultant, special adviser, and honorary adviser, but died at home due to renal failure on 15th of this month. I was 89 years old.