October 17:22 on October 17 to full-scale sales of electric cars smaller than mini cars

Next year, Toyota Motor will sell electric cars for the first time in Japan. Honda is also scheduled to be released next year, and it is likely that attention will be paid to whether electric vehicles will become more popular as environmental awareness increases among consumers.

Toyota will launch a small electric car next winter.

The car is a two-seater car, with a width of about 1 centimeter and 30 centimeters, which is even smaller than a light car. It is intended for beginners and seniors to use for short-distance travel such as daily shopping. For this reason, the distance traveled by a single charge was reduced to 100 km and the maximum speed was reduced to 60 km / h.

Toyota is the first to sell electric cars in earnest in Japan, and the development manager, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Group Leader said, “I hope it will lead to the popularization of electric cars. I want to make it easier to use. "

As for electric cars, Honda is planning to release small cars in Japan next year, and Mazda is considering selling electric cars that run about 200 km on a single charge from the next year. Will be open to the public at the Tokyo Motor Show starting on the 24th of this month.

In Japan, Nissan and others have been leading the way in selling electric cars, but due to the high price, the number of units sold is only 0.5% of the total number of new cars. It seems to be done.