Japanese and Korean governments start WTO talks on export control Oct. 11 19:44

The South Korean government, which has rebelled against Japan's stricter export controls for South Korea, has entered into a procedure for appeal to the WTO = World Trade Organization. It started with.

This bilateral talk is based on the fact that the Korean government has started to file a lawsuit with the WTO last month in response to the strict export control of three items, including semiconductor raw materials for Korea. .

The WTO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, will be hosted by a new delegation from the Japanese government, including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Director of the Trade Organization, Mr. Junichiro Kuroda, following the new trade order coordinator of Korea's Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources. The discussion started at around 5:30 pm Japan time.

Japan has argued that stricter export controls for South Korea have so far been "revised domestic operations to ensure proper export control and not violate WTO rules." On the other hand, South Korea claims that it is a discriminatory measure based on political motives and violates WTO rules.

The talks will be held before the dawn of the 12th of Japan time, and it seems that the two countries will explain these claims to each other.