Many dealers wonder how much money they should borrow. According to financial institutions specializing in consulting, the first and most important consideration in determining this is the goal of obtaining a personal loan, most people resort to it for a specific purpose, such as consolidation of debt or investment, and the first step in this framework is to know whether Finance is commensurate with its financial needs and potential, and the extent of its impact on its financial situation.

Some individuals may be eligible for large sums and more than they really need, and being dragged into it has a profound impact on their financial future. Borrowing money always comes at an extra cost. Financial.

The debt-burden ratio is a mathematical ratio that banks consider when deciding whether a particular applicant is eligible for a loan and how much. Although all banks have a different set of rules such as eligibility criteria, it is simpler: Debt to average monthly income.

To help make the right decision, lenders have minimum and maximum ranges, and they consider a number of different factors when deciding how much they want to lend, including credit score, current debt balances, and total income, and the amount of monthly payments must also be considered. The dealer borrowed more monthly payments increased.

The process of determining the amount should be based primarily on what the individual needs only by calculating all the items and requirements, and stay away from exaggeration, even if it is eligible for large sums, and here is aware of the consequences, and therefore, it is necessary to consider the customer's financial obligations Monthly expenses including necessary expenses and other receivables and credit card payments, it is important for him to know precisely his ability to bear any rate of obligations to the customer against the total monthly income.