Emma Berger co-founded Coorganiz. In France Bouge, on Europe 1, she returns to the operation of this application which makes it easier to manage her schedule and that of her family.

The return is approaching fast. And for parents to get organized between school trips, out-of-school activities and work is sometimes a puzzle. It is to make their life easier that Emma Berger co-founded Coorganiz. In France Bouge, on Europe 1, at the microphone of Raphaëlle Duchemin, she explains how her application created in 2017 works.

What is Coorganiz?

It is an organization application that allows you to share your child's schedule - school leaving, homework help, extracurricular activities, medical appointments - with your current spouse, the father of his children, the nanny or the grandparents. Coorganiz also allows you to share certain documents such as the vaccination book, the identity card of your child for example. "Today, parents spend more than an hour a day planning, communicating and organizing because they have to take care of their children, sometimes children of their spouse, but sometimes of their own parents. then becomes a gymkhana, "says Emma Berger. "It is to remedy this that we thought about Coorganiz with my partner.We were very interested in what happens in the United States and the concept of family productivity, ie saving time ".

How it works ?

"The application is downloaded on a mobile phone and then just invite everyone who gets organized with you," says Emma Berger. "You can then share appointments, tasks, useful documents, contacts, or you can book services to the person in minutes, a math class or a babysitter." There is a free version that provides access to calendars, shared lists, service orders, chat and document sharing. The paid version also includes links, reminders, web access.

Who are the users?

Today, the application has 50,000 users. "We are talking more about native digital, people who are comfortable with digital," says the co-founder. "These are people who just want to save time but also people who have complicated lives, either because both spouses work, or because they are separated." It may also be parents who have a child in their family. which they have to take care of, or brothers and sisters who are helping a dependent relative ".