Convenience store owner complains about the current situation Interview survey of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry August 21, 15:25

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) began an interview with convenience store owners on the 21st in order to directly listen to on-site feedback on issues facing convenience stores, such as 24-hour sales issues. Many owners complained about harsh conditions such as the lack of labor and rising labor costs making late-night sales difficult.

In an interview conducted by the expert review committee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry held in Tokyo on the 21st, 20 owners operating convenience stores in Tokyo and others explained the actual situation of serious labor shortages and late-night sales.

Among them, owners of franchisees said that it is difficult to continue business late at night due to labor shortages in addition to labor shortages, the burden of expenses to pay to the headquarters is heavy, and management is in deficit, etc. There are many voices appealing for the harsh situation.

The experts study group, conducted a survey interviews to subject the owner about 120 people of convenience stores in eight cities across the country over the next month, we plan to integrate the recommendations for improvement of the convenience store management to prospect for January next year.

The owner in his 50s who runs a convenience store in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo said, “It has been a tough situation where people have stopped working after part-time work at night shifts. I wanted you to do it. "