In recent years we have heard many associations of merchants, especially those of small businesses, talk about the crisis that the sales are going through: they no longer have the influence they had before, nor are they sold as much as before. We explain the reasons and the controversy surrounding these discount periods.

Are there limited periods of sales? No and yes. In 2012, the regulations were changed so that merchants could make discounts outside the official sales periods (January and July). They do so now, making the so-called "midseason" (mid season) or "on selected items" discounts. Some brands, which claim not to make discounts outside these traditional sales months, promote products under the "little price" label. However, January and July remain the periods in which the entire trade adds to the discount.What are the advantages? With the emergence of electronic commerce, online platforms give discounts whenever they want. The fact that there are no limited periods of sales allows traditional trade not to remain at a disadvantage. In the same way, the offers encourage the consumer to buy all year round, not necessarily in January and July. What are the disadvantages? For those brands or companies that do not want to make discounts because they already offer cheap products and have tight margins, they remain at a disadvantage with respect to those who do discounts. If in the month of June a consumer wants to buy a swimsuit to go on vacation (and sales have not yet started), they probably choose the store that offers a discount.On the other hand, the chains that make discounts throughout the year probably have than to reduce these products even more in the traditional sales periods. If you sell a trousers with 20% of midseasson, it is likely that the consumer will not buy it with the same discount, but demand a higher one. Who harms the most? The small business, because it does not have the margins that have the big chains A neighborhood store cannot afford to make discounts all year round.Why do people no longer buy so much on sale? Because it has other discount periods (such as Black Friday, for example) and because it distributes purchases more throughout the year. year: in those moments of midseasson. The motivation for the price on sales is no longer the same when you can buy cheap all year. At Christmas there are many brands that make discounts before Reyes.Which brands make discounts all year round and which ones do not? Some companies defend being able to make discounts throughout the year in certain collections or garments. This is the case of Tendam (former Cortefiel Group and owner, in addition, of Women 'Secret and Springfield) or Mango. Meanwhile, others are positioned against, as is the case of Inditex, which argues that it only makes discounts in its physical stores in the corresponding periods: January and July.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Black friday
  • Inditex Group
  • Mango

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