While the CFDT calls to meet Tuesday with Unsa, the CFTC or Fage, the CGT, has planned to meet Wednesday.

The CFDT and the CGT each called for rallies to denounce the reform of unemployment insurance, the first Tuesday and the second Wednesday, refusing once again any joint mobilization.

Several unions and associations before the Ministry of Labor Tuesday. The CFDT, with Unsa, the CFTC, the CFE-CGC and the youth organization Fage plan from noon a rally Tuesday before the Ministry of Labor. There will also be associations fighting against poverty and exclusion, said Laurent Berger, the number one CFDT in an interview at Libération Friday. "It's symbolic, it's to say: we are not fooled," he said, while refusing to "dream a great night".

For the CGT, a rally planned for a long time. For its part, the CGT had long planned a rally Wednesday morning, from 8 am, in front of the headquarters of Unédic. But after the government announced Tuesday "unfair" measures on unemployment insurance, the union decided to take advantage of this date to denounce the reform. On that day, the joint body managing unemployment insurance has a board of directors to discuss the revaluation of benefits. In addition to this gathering, the CGT also calls Tuesday "to develop unitary mobilizations and in all professions throughout France."

Without FO or Solidarity. On Tuesday, just after the announcement of the unemployment insurance reform, all the unions expressed their "anger" about the measures, considered unfair vis-à-vis the unemployed and ineffective to fight against unemployment. FO and Solidaires do not plan to mobilize.