Teller Report

The US has killed Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with a drone in Afghanistan

8/1/2022, 10:16:14 PM

A drone attack by the United States in Afghanistan has killed the supreme leader of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, Aymán al-Zawahiri, according to agencies and...

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drone attack by the United States in Afghanistan

has killed the supreme leader of the terrorist organization

Al Qaeda, Aymán al-Zawahiri,

according to US agencies and media.

Joe Biden is expected to appear shortly to explain this operation that could spell the end of Al Qaeda, whose former leader, Osama Bin Laden, was also killed by the US during Barack Obama's term, on that occasion after a secret operation in Pakistan. .

Al Zawahiri had been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but in its most radical version, and was considered

the man who radicalized Bin Laden

in the 1980s and led him to break with more moderate Islamist lines in the 'jihad' (' holy war') of Afghanistan.

Al-Zawahiri, born in Egypt and involved in the assassination of that country's president, Anwar el Sadat, was a member of that group before becoming Al Qaeda's main ideologue and, according to many, its virtual leader,

relegating Bin Laden to an Ornamental Role


After Sadat's assassination, the Egyptian police arrested him.

He was tortured.

And, later, he would say a memorable phrase:

"Death is more merciful than torture"


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