Teller Report

FIFA allocates 11 seats for Europe in the 2023 World Cup for Women

12/25/2020, 11:03:35 AM

FIFA announced yesterday evening the allocation of 11 seats for European teams in the expanded version of the Women's World Cup, scheduled for 2023. The scheduled tournament in Australia and New Zealand is witnessing an increase in the number of teams from 24 to 32, which is the same number of teams

FIFA allocates 11 seats for Europe in the 2023 World Cup for Women

FIFA announced yesterday evening the allocation of 11 seats for European teams in the expanded version of the Women's World Cup, scheduled for 2023. The scheduled tournament in Australia and New Zealand is witnessing an increase in the number of teams from 24 to 32, which is the same as the number of World Cup teams Currently, before the men's championship witnessed an expansion, the number of teams increased to 48 as of the 2026 edition.

Eleven seats were allocated to the European teams qualifying directly to the finals, which is an increase by two seats for the continent, while one additional seat has been added to each of the continents of Asia (bringing the number allocated to it to six), Africa (four seats) and North, Central America and the Caribbean (four seats) And South America (three seats), and only one seat continues to be allocated to Oceania, according to what FIFA said in a statement.

The teams of the two organizing countries are automatically participating in the finals.

The remaining three seats in the finals are decided through the play-off round, which witnesses the participation of a total of ten teams from the confederations.

The play-offs are being held in Australia and New Zealand as a test of their preparations to host the tournament.

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