Teller Report

Coronavirus: postponement of the second round of municipal elections in Guyana due to the epidemic

6/15/2020, 9:17:06 PM

The government announced Monday evening the postponement of the second round of municipal elections in Guyana, due to the active spread of the coronavirus. It is however maintained in Mayotte, another ultra-marine territory hard hit by the epidemic. & Nbsp;

The government announced Monday evening the postponement of the second round of municipal elections in Guyana, due to the active spread of the coronavirus. It is however maintained in Mayotte, another ultra-marine territory hard hit by the epidemic. 

The second round of municipal elections is postponed in Guyana due to the coronavirus epidemic, but it is being held on June 28 in Mayotte, the overseas departments and the interior announced on Monday.

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After consulting elected officials and state officials in the two departments, and "in view of the epidemic dynamics of a different intensity", the government decided "to postpone the municipal elections in Guyana for all the seven municipalities where a second the tour was scheduled for June 28, "and" to maintain, at this stage, the municipal elections in Mayotte, in conditions of maximum health security, especially during the campaign, "the government said in a statement.

Guyana at stage 3 of the epidemic

While Emmanuel Macron definitively confirmed Sunday evening the holding of the second round in the rest of France, the Scientific Council of the government had recommended, in its opinions of June 8 and 14, "special attention to the risks associated with the electoral campaign and the second ballot in these two territories, "said the government.


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Guyana passed Monday to stage 3 of the epidemic, announced the prefecture and the Regional Health Agency. Monday, this French territory of South America, bordering on Brazil where the epidemic explodes, had 1,326 people tested positive, 11 patients in intensive care, 59 hospitalizations, 3 deaths and 552 patients who can be considered cured. The number of positive cases doubled in eight days.

A less marked development in Mayotte

Many elected officials, including the president of the Territorial Collectivity of Guyana, had asked for a new postponement of the second round, which was initially to take place on March 22, one week after the first round.

Mayotte recorded for its part Monday 2,310 positive cases, 42 hospitalizations including 13 in intensive care, and 29 deaths, but with an evolution which seems to mark slightly the step (+12 cases in 24 hours). In this Indian Ocean territory, the elected officials were in favor of maintaining the second round, like the deputy LR of Mayotte Mansour Kamardine, who estimated that a report would be "largely misunderstood" by the population.

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