The timing of the UK's exit from the EU has been changed and extended several times. Now, the hot question is instead how Britain should leave the EU.

According to the plan, it will be decided in the European Parliament on 29 January and then vote on whether or not to approve the UK exit agreement.

Goods between countries

According to representatives of the Port of Gothenburg, most points to a formal exit on 31 January, but the UK will remain in the EU's internal market for a transitional period until the turn of the year. This would mean that in practice nothing happens to the person transporting goods between the countries.

The problem is whether it will be a so-called hard Brexit, that is, the UK is leaving the EU completely already at the end of the month.

Other customs rules

- Upon exit, the UK becomes a third country and is then outside the EU's customs regulations, which means that other customs rules will apply. The risk is that many are not prepared for it, says Arvid Gudhed, Port Development Manager at the Port of Gothenburg to SVT News West.

Why do you think it is so important to inform about this?

- We are Sweden's largest port and we have massive flows every day out here. If we can avoid congestion and congestion among the vessels, we want to do it.