Whether you are slim or full of body, you need to pay attention to where the fat is stored in your body because it gives important indicators on and helps you to enjoy a healthy life and slim figure.

The American site "Brightside" reviewed several ways that will help you to locate and eliminate excess fat in your body.

How do you discover "extra fat" in different parts of your body?

1- Breasts and arms:

White fat cells may be stored around the breasts and arms for genetic reasons, and can only be eliminated by completely losing body weight. For this reason, you should be familiar with the BMI first. The BMI can be calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters. The BMI 30.0 is a sign of obesity, and is a call to action for weight loss.

2- Abdominal area:
For females, a waist size greater than 35 inches or 88.9 centimeters is considered plumper. For males, a waist size of 40 inches or 101.6 cm is an important sign of excess fat around the abdomen.

3- The hips and thighs:
To understand if you have extra weight around this area, you should check the waist-to-hip ratio that can be calculated by dividing your waist measurement by the thigh. According to the World Health Organization, the ideal waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.9 or less for men, and 0.85 or less for women.

4- The abdomen
A recent study has shown that a large waist is a sign of a possible heart attack or an indication of diabetes. Fat around the waist is called visceral fat, and it is already stored around vital internal organs, which makes it dangerous. There are two ways to store belly fat:

First, the pear shape:
The extra weight is stored below the waist, at the hips, thighs and buttocks. If you have a pear-shaped body, this does not necessarily mean that you are in danger. However, women who have a pear-shaped body tend to gain weight so that their bodies form an apple, especially after menopause.

Second, the shape of an apple:
Excess grease is stored in the body around the waist, giving the body the shape of an apple. This means that a person is at greater risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Once you start exercising with a diet rich in fiber, your waist will be among the first body parts to show good results. However, even if you do a lot of exercise, you won't see any change without losing weight in general. We should focus on cardiovascular exercises such as running and cycling too. It should not be forgotten that stress and irregular sleep patterns may be factors that lead to the accumulation of excess fat around your waist.

Breasts and arms
The site stated that drinking lots of water and eating foods rich in fiber, along with body weight exercises such as pressure exercises, can help you to reduce the accumulated fat around your breasts and arms. Also, doing more cardio muscles to tighten your muscles helps you to have a balanced shape.

Hips and thighs
The site showed that you can reduce the fat around the hips by losing weight to the entire body. Replace processed foods and sugar with seasonal fresh meals and natural sugar. Once your body gets used to the new diet, you will start burning stored fat to produce energy. This is the time to start exercising, and you will also likely benefit from intense training that will give you effective results. For this type of exercise, you will need to do intense exercises intended for specific periods of the day.