PM (Personal Mobility) refers to means of transportation such as electric kickboards and electric wheels.

The number of users has increased recently because it is relatively easy to travel a distance that is too far to walk and close to a car.

However, there are many problems caused by this shared kickboard.

SBS Data Journalism Team's errands prepared a series of reports to look at the problems of these PMs and find solutions.

3rd order of continuous press.

The SBS data journalism team's errands obtained data from Seoul's illegal parking-sharing kickboard towing and examined the actual situation.

The most towed places were around subway stations, where 62.8% (7,533 cases) of tows within a 300m radius of subway stations accounted for.

What is notable is that there were not a few illegal parking in the protected area for the elderly, who are representative pedestrians.

Among the 164 elderly care areas in Seoul, 35.4% (58) had at least one shared kickboard tow.

Experts point to the lack of shared kickboard parking spaces as the cause of these parking problems.

In addition, it was diagnosed that it is necessary to think about the current method of operating a shared kickboard that anyone can report and do business.

You can see more detailed analysis and solution in the video above.

You can also check the data through the interactive webpage below (