
It was revealed that an employee of a beauty salon mobilized a part-time job to write bad reviews about other salons nearby.

It was reported that a competitor had done this when they opened an additional store in the building where they worked.

The police went on an investigation.

Let’s look at reporter Kim Sang-min’s report first and continue the story.


A beauty salon in Sindorim-dong, Seoul, opened earlier last month.

Designer A had to suffer from severe bad comments posted in the customer reviews section of the portal site from the beginning of the business.

I have no strangers to see the representative, and my confidence has declined day by day.

[Damaged Designer: I wasn't satisfied with something, so I wonder if the rating was so low?"

Am I wrong, I am wrong, I couldn't sleep because of this thought...

.] A

similar thing happened at the same time with other designers working together in the store, as well as in other chain stores nearby.

The beauty salon side felt suspicious and blamed young students who had always made reservations and stopped by the portal site.

The expectations were correct.

It was a part-time job in terrorism with five juniors known to a 20-year-old student.

A manager-level employee at a nearby beauty salon confessed that he had to work for 30,000 won per case.

[Student Alva of Star Terrorism: I told him that nothing would ever happen to me, I told him to believe in myself, so I

ran into

it, but I just had no idea.]

This manager even set the phrase and the water level.

Also, when I asked to keep a secret if I was worried, but when the students told me that the crime was revealed, I was criticized with severe insults.

[Star rating terrorist Alba student: It is

true that

we committed a crime.]

[Competitive store manager: If you admit that, it will be correct or not, but you will fully admit it.

It's this XX that you're XXX.]

While bragging about unfounded connections to students who are worried about punishment,

[Competitive store manager: I came out with a suspicion?

I mean, all my friends are police officers, and all my close platoon leaders are in the police.]

There is no sign of reflection.

[Competitive store manager: From their point of view, I'm XXX.

That XX has money, has distribution, and is not young.

I'm not being hit, my personality is dirty.

And'evil comments' will continue to run.]

This manager is

known to have been resentful when a

nearby rival hairdresser opened an additional store in the building where he works.

[Competitive store manager: We did'benchmarking'.

And I don't want to report (yes, yes) right now.

It's my freedom.] The

victim's salon filed a complaint, and the manager was eventually investigated by the police.

(Video coverage: Lee Chan-su·Yang Hyun-cheol, video editing: Jeon Min-gyu)



Q. Why are self-employed people sensitive?

[Reporter Kim Sang-min: This is an obvious star terror, no, 1 star is a waste, and it can be seen on social media aiming for this kind of conflict between business owners and customers.

A few months ago, an air force unit ordered a chicken worth 1.25 million won, and after a full refund for a chicken problem, he also left a 1 star review with a delivery fee of 1,000 won, and it became controversial as it was shared online. There was.

With so much dependence on ratings and comments, it is now a matter of survival for self-employed people.

If this is properly evaluated, it will be good information for both consumers and business owners, but as in the previous example, if competition intensifies and inappropriate manipulation is performed, it is poisonous to all.]

Q. Is it possible to distinguish between'malignant'?

[Reporter Kim Sang-min: Even though many business owners are unfair, I don't want to scratch and make swells, so I'll stand it."

This is suspicious, but in fact there is almost no way to tell whether it is a malicious manipulation or not.

If a clear physical evidence is presented like this one, this is applicable to business obstruction. This opinion comes out, but this is a very unusual case, in fact, after committing terrorism, I only responded honestly. It cannot even be initiated.

Recognizing this controversy, a delivery service company recently came up with a plan to stop posting for as long as 30 days if it is confirmed as a defamation review after the store owner asks for it. Then, what is the criterion for separating what is manipulated from what is not, this question is being followed.]