[SBS Special] What Happened in the Chat App-Covertly dangerous ③ The

crew set up a 15-year-old woman to access the chat app. Then 218 adult men approached. Even though they said they were underage, there were some who suggested prostitution or demanded obscene conversation. And I met with those who suggested buying sex.

The first prostitute, the first to appear, claimed that he did not know that the chat partner was a minor. The second boy, who asked the crew to wear a skirt, hit the rope as soon as he saw the crew.

The man who suggested prostitution several times because it was 30 minutes away, said to the production team, "I tried it once with curiosity. I heard it only in words. It's the first time I heard it." "Isn't it?"

The fourth prostitute, who revealed his age as 55 and encouraged explicit suggestions and conversations, was actually a gray-haired middle-aged man. The boy, who is much older than the age of 55, exclaimed that he was "because he didn't have enough money, so that he did not believe that he was a minor."

All the prostitutes steadily fought and complained of their oppression. And they all said, "I was curious. I didn't know. It's the first time. I did it for fun."

In the United States, camouflage investigations are frequently conducted to arrest child sexual prostitutes. And in April, US police arrested 30 men who attempted to buy sex by accessing children online for video lessons with Corona 19. Very strict in punishing prostitutes.

The expert said, "The British-American right is a crime from saying sexually, but it is not us. Even if we do something strange, we do not punish it, and only when we meet and buy it is considered sexual violence."

Another expert emphasized, "The types of crimes are changing, and it is difficult to punish these things with current laws." It is important to show various cases that children's sex acts can be ruined."

The crew started analyzing the random chat app. An expert who has been developing chat apps for 15 years said, "I first heard the impression that I didn't manage it." A normal company doesn't want bad words to be exposed to bad content, but random chat apps are all neglected." .

He also said that "not being able to filter can be seen as a developer's absence or not intentionally, and in this case it should be viewed as intended." And experts created a shock by checking the secret passage that made it easy for minors to access through the bypass route in the application where adult authentication was a must.

On the occasion of the Nth room incident, the Ministry of Leisure and Industry designated a random chat app as a harmful medium for youth. Accordingly, one of the authentication, conversation storage, and reporting functions was mandatory.

The app expert said, "I don't even ask you to add such a feature. By creating a detour, I'm encouraging you not to be certified as an adult." "At present, anyone can easily develop and create apps," he said.

Currently, there is no law to view a random chat app as a mediation service, and even if a complaint is filed against it, there is only prosecution, suspicion, and insufficient evidence.

Experts stressed that persuading, compelling, or buying sex to engage in sexual acts against children and youth should be viewed as sexual exploitation, not prostitution. In April, legal grounds were established to define prostituted children and youth as victims. But even more important was the change in perception.

In response, experts say, "I rarely see anyone who sees prostitution children as victims. So-called'bloodless things sold their sex for money.' That's what almost every society thinks. "It's about matching your crime to social perception."

Another expert added, "The most important thing is to block consumer demand. Without the money paid by prostitutes, the industry will be difficult to maintain and chat apps will not make money. The logic of capitalism is clear." And experts say they should blame the adults who bought the child for sex, just as if they blamed the adult who sold the alcohol or tobacco to the child.

Meanwhile, the production team suggested a shelter for Hoyeon, who cannot return home. Hoyeon, who was skeptical of the original crew's proposal, but in front of his friends said, "I think I should go to the restaurant to find out. I can learn baking and hair makeup.

And Hoyeon contacted the production team a few days later and headed to the shelter together. A shelter official who consulted with Hoyeon. An official said, "I am a victim of domestic violence, and there seems to be a trauma of expressing it casually. Since I don't want to give up my studies, I will apply for my studies and apply for an illustration.

In response, Hoyeon said, "I don't think it's not bad because I don't have much regulation. I have to pay the rent today, but I have to do something, I don't need to be stressed and I feel like it's good." I think it seems to be."

​(Editor of SBS funE Kim Hyo-jung)

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