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Former UN Secretary, Ban Ki Moon, at the presentation of the report of the Global Adaptation Commission, of which he is a member, on September 10, 2019 in Beijing. GREG BAKER / AFP

The Global Adaptation Commission, launched by the Netherlands in 2018, is presenting its first report on Tuesday, 10 September. The commission, which is led by former UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, the philanthropist and founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and Kristalina Georgieva, president of the World Bank, advocates three revolutions to adapt to the challenges of climate change.

" Accelerating adaptation is a human, environmental and economic imperative, " begins the 31-member commission report. As the average temperature rises, the risk of catastrophic events increases: by 2030, global warming could lead to more than 100 million people below the poverty line.

Accelerating adaptation is therefore fundamental in the areas of food production, the environment, water, cities, infrastructure and the consideration of the risk of disaster.

The report advocates three " revolutions " in this sense. First, that of understanding: showing that the risk exists would then support research and innovation, while creating new business models.

The second revolution is that of forecasting: politicians and companies must anticipate and anticipate solutions. The third is finance: the private and public sectors must mobilize the necessary funds to accelerate adaptation.

For the commission, in the face of climate change, these three revolutions will protect the lifestyles, housing and work of the world's population, and this process must be accelerated.

The report of the Global Adaptation Commission, in English

Adaptation to climate change could add $ 7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, according to the flagship report from the Global Commission on Adaptation, which is published today.

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Global Center on Adaptation (@GCAdaptation) September 10, 2019