[Go Hyunjun's News]


Yes, it's time for Go Hyun-joon to pick out the hottest news. Yes, the first news today?

<Hyun-Joon Ko / Critical Commentary>

Voice phishing scam, it's not known to be deceived because the technique is now well known, but the damage cases are endless.

There's a free application out there that uses AI to block voice phishing in real time.

The AI ​​analyzes the phone call in real time and alerts you with voice and vibration if it is highly likely to be voice phishing.

It can catch not only keywords like 'Seoul Regional Police Agency' and 'Daepo Bank' but also patterns of spoken sentences.

Of course, you will not hear the warning.

This app was co-developed by the Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Information Society Agency, and IBK Bank.

Since March, we have run pilots, analyzing a total of 74,000 calls and detecting 339 voice-phishing suspected calls.

Last year, the average amount of damage per voice phishing victim amounted to 9.2 million won, which means that it was effective to prevent about 3 billion won of voice phishing.

This application is free for anyone from today.

Because the recorded call is deleted 100% immediately for voice phishing analysis, there is no need to worry about the call being left somewhere.


Yes, if you are a little worried about it, you can try it. What's next?

<Hyun-Joon Ko / Critical Commentary>

Yes, a YouTuber with more than 200,000 subscribers released the video saying it was sexually harassed on a highway bus.

The YouTuber released a video on the scene that he faced on the scene with his abuser on the 5th, saying that he had been sexually harassed on the express bus.

It happened on the 3rd on the express bus from Seoul Express Bus Terminal to Dongdaegu.

An hour and a half after the bus departed and drowsiness, I felt like I was touching someone's body part by the side and closed my eyes and pretended to fall asleep because I wanted to hold this person firmly. It was said that he was able to catch and catch his arm.

At first, the man next to him found out that he admitted that he had wronged his request for aggression and apology.
Since then, the video has revealed a man getting out of the rest area and apologizing to YouTubers.

The man was taken over to the police station by the police station.

Youtube says he hopes to be an ample precedent in resolving sex crime cases by never thinking about consensus, but sharing the process and the story that has been resolved so that many people can see it.


Yes, last news?

<Hyun-Joon Ko / Critical Commentary>

The last news is the story of Russia, where democratization protests are taking place next month when the Election Commission rejects opposition politicians ahead of Moscow's election.

A teenage girl who participated in the demonstration is giving a big ring to the citizens. Watch the video.

Last month, 27th, Moscow. This girl in a bulletproof vest sits in the middle of the road surrounded by armed police.

I'm 17-year-old high school student Olga Missik, who sits on the road and reads the Russian Constitution book.

Olga, who read the provisions on the right to peaceful protest and the provision that anyone can participate in the election, was arrested by the police on the way to the subway station.

Although released in just 12 hours, he was fined for participating in illegal protests.

However, the photos of Olga's reading of the Constitution are spreading rapidly on SNS, and many people are cheering.

It quickly emerged as a symbol of the Russian democratization movement, and in some cases it was in 1989, compared to the Tankman, who had blocked the tank procession naked during the Chinese democracy protest.