JWC gold last summer and last weekend Emma Sralla struck again: at a competition in Texas, the 18-year-old improved her Swedish junior record in discus to 59.03.

"The last year has been a lot about just telling myself I can do it. Everyone can work hard, train hard, but to succeed you also have to be mentally prepared and believe in yourself. For me, a lot of it is about working with the mental," says Emma Sralla.

The happiness of Stanford: "Almost unreal"

Like Armand Duplantis, she has dual citizenship and has chosen the blue-and-yellow national team outfit. Her Swedish mother Anna moved to the United States as an 18-year-old to compete in golf and met her father Scott there.

Sralla has previously opened to move to Sweden after the last year of high school. But a dream announcement has postponed that plan: a sports scholarship to Stanford University in California.

"It's a similar feeling to when I joined the Swedish national team, a dream I've had since childhood. It feels almost unreal but amazing that I'm going to Stanford," Sralla said.

Hear more about the comparison with Duplantis and the choice to compete for Sweden in the player above.