Sumo Kyushu Place is the second half of the game from the 9th and 22nd.

The winning Yokozuna Terunofuji is an experienced Ozeki player who will play against Takayasu in the flat curtain.

On the 8th day of the middle day of the 21st in Kyushu, Terunofuji Yokozuna and Takakeishō Ozeki decided to win in 8 consecutive victories from the first day.

Terunofuji is the 5th Takayasu in front of him who has experience in Ozeki on the 9th day of the 22nd.

Terunofuji has lost 10 wins and 12 losses in past matches, but has won three consecutive games up to the destination.

Yokozuna is superior if it can be brought into a chest-to-chest deployment by taking good measures while applying pressure.

On the other hand, Takayasu wants to find an attacker while taking advantage of the weight of his waist and avoiding the pressure of the yokozuna, as it becomes more difficult when he is fully combined with the yokozuna.

Takakeishō will be challenged by Hoshoryu, the fifth frontal player who has won two races in the past two races.

Takakeishō at this place has regained its original powerful push, and if it can be pushed from the standpoint, it will be an advantageous sumo wrestling.

Hoshoryu, who is good at four sumo wrestling, wants to put together Ozeki and bring it to a tenacious development.

1 defeat Sekiwake Mitakeumi with Meisei Sekiwake.

Similarly, the 15th frontal Abi with 1 loss will play against the 10th frontal Chiyotairyu.