Three-quarters of Germans do not believe in the Believers, but many of them are members of churches that do not officially question its existence. How does it fit together? For many it is enough, they no longer want to associate themselves with something they consider to be Kokolores, the existence of the devil, for example, the Immaculate Conception, Jesus' resurrection at Easter. They may still believe in a god, but not in the tales of the church.

Joerg Glaescher / Laif

More in the SPIEGEL

Issue 17/2019

Who believes that?

Why even Christians no longer need a god

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This topic is the subject of the cover story of the new SPIEGEL, which today, on Easter Saturday, is located at the kiosks. We had a survey done on how the Germans believe, and Dietmar Pieper tells stories of faith and doubt, with doubts growing. "The sky is empty," is the title of his text.

A mild minister of the interior?

Michael Trammer / imago

Deportation from Munich airport to Afghanistan

Seehofer paradox, that is recently to visit. His refugee policy is a little lax to some party friends from CDU and CSU, since he has agreed with Labor Minister Heil on a compromise. Among other things, it is about language and integration courses for refugees who are not yet recognized. Resistance in parliament is to be reckoned with, as my colleagues from the capital office researched. This text can also be found in the new SPIEGEL.

The compact news overview in the morning: current and opinionated. Every morning (weekdays) at 6 o'clock. Order directly here:

The calendars are mostly empty for the Easter weekend, but there are the Easter routines.

Easter routine 1


It is quite nice that there are a few words that are said with absolute reliability, no matter what. They are pretty much the most famous words in the Western Hemisphere, and they are simply called: the city and the world. In Latin: Urbi et Orbi (vocabulary that can not be forgotten due to the annual repetition). On Sunday, the Pope will re-pronounce this apostolic blessing in Rome, that's for sure.

Easter routine 2

Not quite as long as the Easter blessing, there are the Easter marches for peace. But they are reliable too. They no longer have the meaning as in the late seventies and early eighties, but are a very good seismograph for the fear of war in the population. The less that comes, the better it is for world peace.

Easter routine 3

These are the traffic jams. Especially on Monday, it should be terrible again.

Winner of the day

Norbert Eisele-Hein

A beer garden, the Chiemsee, the Alps, a green alp, blue sky. A cherry tree blossoms in white, a magnolia pink and white. It can not be more beautiful.

The waiter comes, picks up the order.

It's nice with the sun, he says, but it would have to rain. Is too dry, the farmers complain, everything is broken.

The whole climate is broken, he says.

Too many bark beetles that destroy everything, and too many ticks. On the meadow I do not go on it, too dangerous, makes meningitis here in Bavaria.

In the area of ​​Cologne, he says, soon malaria will return.


Yes, malaria, you have to take pills then, he says, that's what globalization is all about. And the climate.

He goes. I look at the lake and the mountains and decide not to fall into depression, but to enjoy this beautiful Easter sun, which makes us all the winners of the day.

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  • Union rebels against Seehofer
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  • Tragedy in Paris: The Notre Dame feeling
  • Tips for multi-day bike rides, Ralf Neukirch about team life

I wish you a nice weekend

Your Dirk Kurbjuweit