Marta Belver Madrid


Updated Tuesday, April 9, 2024-02:50

  • Politics Aragonès mocks Sánchez for his "change of opinion" on the amnesty and warns: "The referendum will be inevitable"

  • Housing The Government announces the end of the 'Golden Visa' to obtain a residence permit for buying real estate

The proposal for extraordinary regularization of

500,000 foreigners

in an irregular administrative situation has caused a new crack within the Government. Sumar has tried to put pressure on the PSOE

in extremis

to support this Tuesday in the Plenary of Congress the consideration of a

Popular Legislative Initiative

(ILP) backed by

700,000 signatures

that calls for legalizing people who have been living in Spain since before

1 November 2021


The majority partner of the coalition declined this Monday to reveal what the final meaning of his vote will be, although sources from Ferraz's management acknowledged that there were doubts about the legal fit of this measure. Specifically, it is pointed out that the legal framework of the European Union would not allow a "generalized" process of delivery of papers such as the one being proposed.

"Someone has to explain to me what directive or regulation a regularization would infringe when the powers regarding residence remain a national power and, therefore, Spain can absolutely adopt this decision without contravening any provision of the community legal system," he responded to the team. from Pedro Sánchez, Sumar's spokesperson, Ernest Urtasun.

In Yolanda Díaz's party they emphasize their "firm" support for a proposal that has "very broad popular support" and that "is a question of social justice." Furthermore, they try to put the PSOE in front of the mirror of the last regularization that was carried out in Spain in 2005, under the mandate of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, arguing that "it was a complete success" because it allowed "recognizing labor rights" for

600,000 people


In addition to the vote in favor of Sumar, the ILP promoted by the Essential Platform - made up of various social organizations - has committed


taking into consideration ERC, Bildu, BNG and PNV. During the defense of the measure on March 12 in Congress, PP and Vox already announced that they would oppose its parliamentary processing.

"We are in a bureaucratic limbo, because we are part of society and we perform essential jobs, but we cannot rent an apartment, sign a contract or have a health card," they argue from the group of immigrants. "We are told that we are essential, but we lack the most basic rights," they add.

The ILP registered in Congress proposes the modification of the first transitional provision of

Organic Law 4/2000

, of January 11, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration. Specifically, it proposes that the Government, by Royal Decree, establish, within a period of six months from its approval in the event that it occurs, "a procedure for the regularization of foreigners who are in Spanish territory before the 1st November 2021".