A shooting attack that occurred a year ago in the Jordan Valley (European)

Al Jazeera's correspondent reported that a Palestinian woman was killed by Israeli occupation forces' bullets on Monday, after she allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Tayasir checkpoint in the northern Jordan Valley in the northeastern West Bank.

The Israeli army said that it shot a Palestinian woman who “refused to identify herself and tried to stab soldiers” at the Tayasir checkpoint, which is located east of Tubas.

For its part, the Palestinian News Agency quoted local sources that a young Palestinian woman was shot by Israeli soldiers while she was passing through the Tayasir military checkpoint.

The sources said that the occupation forces closed the checkpoint in both directions, leading to a traffic jam.

Shooting and stabbing operations carried out by Palestinians in the West Bank and within the Green Line have occurred frequently recently, and the Palestinian factions say that these operations are a response to the massacres committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip 6 months ago.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies