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Video duration 03 minutes 58 seconds 03:58

Sidon -

In the Lebanese city of Sidon, the Night of Destiny in the blessed Ramadan is unique in its special spiritual rituals that distinguish it from the rest of the nights of the holy month, as the city witnesses a massive march annually to celebrate this night, which is better than a thousand months, as a Sidonian tradition whose roots go back decades.

The march, which brings together spiritual leaders, political forces and activists, and the people of the city, participated in it, yesterday evening, Saturday, hundreds of scout teams from various associations, including the Al-Farouq Scouts and Future Lebanon, in addition to the Palestinian Scouts Association, the Palestinian Guides, and the Civil Defense Volunteer Regiment.

The march turned into an activity in solidarity with the Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

Solidarity activity

The march started in front of the Endowment House building in Sidon, then traveled through the streets of the inner city until it reached Najma Square. During which, scout flags and banners bearing Qur’anic verses focusing on the importance of the Night of Destiny were raised, and expressive models and scenes inspired by the blessed night and the holy month.

Unlike previous years, the march turned into an activity in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip, with the Israeli war on the Strip entering half a year, where Palestinian flags and messages of support were raised with the Palestinian people and the resistance.

The head of the Al-Farouq Scouts Association, Ibrahim Al-Hariri, told Al-Jazeera Net that the Night of Destiny march is a farewell march for the month of Ramadan and carries valuable symbolism for the city of Sidon, with the participation of all scouting associations present in the city and its surrounding areas.

He added, "What is striking this year are the scenes carried by scout associations that express our solidarity with our people in Palestine, especially with Gaza, who are subjected to injustice, siege, and massacres."

Hariri continues, "Our hearts are with Palestine and with Gaza, and God willing, victory will be their ally and they will get rid of this injustice and live a normal life, which must be guaranteed by all human rights in the countries of the world."

The Night of Destiny procession in Sidon is a religious tradition that has been practiced for decades (Al Jazeera)

Meanings and connotations

For his part, the Southern Commissioner of the Future Lebanon Scouts Association, Commander Mustafa Habali, points out that the people of the city of Sidon, old and young, are eagerly awaiting this annual event after it has become a custom in the city for decades.

Habali explained to Al Jazeera Net, "All the people are waiting for the march to watch their children participate in it. Today we affirm our solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza. We are happy to celebrate this event, and we hope that the joy will be double, as we hope that the happy Eid Al-Fitr will be filled with the joy of victory in Palestine, God willing." God".

In turn, the Commissioner of the South Region of the Lebanese Scouts Association, Commander Ahmed Badie, speaks about the importance of this march and the cultural and religious meanings it carries.

He told Al Jazeera Net, "This march has become part of the city's character and heritage, and we participate in it with a number ranging between 300 to 350 members. We are also working hard to ensure the success and continuation of this fishing custom."

Badie adds, "Friends and visitors from outside the city come to watch this special march with all the human and religious meanings and values ​​it carries."

The Night of Destiny march witnesses the participation of all scouting associations in Sidon (Al Jazeera)

Positive character

For his part, the leader of the Muslim Scout Association, Salah al-Din Agha, says, “All the scouting, social, and first aid associations in Sidon are participating in commemorating this event.”

He continues, "This march has a positive impact on the city, as all associations work to spread joy, despite the difficult circumstances that southern Lebanon and Palestine are going through. We are here sending greetings to the steadfast people of the south, and our people in Gaza, and we say to them that our hearts are with you."

For his part, Commander Muhammad Awad from the Palestinian Scout Association points out to Al Jazeera Net that the tradition of Laylat al-Qadr ceremonies is an integral part of the heritage of the city of Sidon in the month of Ramadan, with scout teams participating in organizing educational activities that highlight the importance of this blessed night in the lives of Muslims.

He added, "Our association forms an essential part of the scouting associations present in Sidon, and our participation in this march is a priority for our people, and it carries messages of solidarity and support for our people in Gaza. We hope that this holy month will not end unless our people have been victorious and the war of extermination has ended."

Source: Al Jazeera